The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase access to income-earning opportunities for the vulnerable in the informal sector in response to crises, expand income and livelihood support to poor and food-insecure households, and improve efficiency in managing social protection programs in Liberia.
Any grievance related to project implementation or project benefits or any kind of harassment can be logged and tracked here till resolution.
Submit GrievanceLiberia MIS is a Geospatial enabled platform comprising of Web based Management Information System & Integrated Android Mobile/Tablet based Application.
Document Management
Social Safety Nets Project for Liberia is to establish the key building blocks of a basic national safety net delivery system and provide income support to households who are both extremely poor and food insecure in the Republic of Liberia. There are three components to the project, the first component being strengthening of the national social safety net system. The objective of this component is to improve efficiency, enhance capacity, and strengthen the national SSN system in Liberia through the development of the basic building blocks of a safety net delivery system.
Any grievance related to project implementation or project benefits or any kind of harassment can be logged and tracked here till resolution.
Liberia MIS is a Geospatial enabled platform comprising of Web based Management Information System & Integrated Android Mobile/Tablet based Application.
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection
Ministerial Complex